Mechanical rotary tables

Mechanical rotary tables
G.P.A. Italiana mechanical rotary indexing table is a square axis unit which, thanks to a cam carrying several bearings fixed to the index, transforms the uniform rotation of the inlet shaft in an intermittent rotation of the output disk. The number of standard indexings ranges from 2 up to 32. From 32 up to 540 indexings on request.
The main advantages of mechanical rotary tables are:
- continuous and totally cam controlled displacement,
- high working frequency,
- self locking in dwell position,
- high  repeatability,
- low installed power and low maintenance.
G.P.A. Italiana mechanical rotary tables are available in several versions:
- different models according to carried loads, which can be very high,
- delivered with or without motor gears,
- delivered with or without top plate for pieces transportation.
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Sede legale - Via L. Da Vinci, 25 - 22074 LOMAZZO (CO) ITALY - C.F. e P.Iva 00226440139 - Cap. Sociale: € 520.000 int. vers. Reg. Imprese di Como n°. 00226440139 - REA n°. 129635
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